How to Earn Money Youtube

mega sanjaya

Hello my friends meet again at me before I'll say hello to my friends all the "hay my friends how are both the" okay with it, I'll explain in advance what is Youtube, youtube is a website which contains a wide variety of videos with friends -temen can see the video for free, nah video in which of course contains a variety of information that could be useful for all my friends. Youtube nerupakan famous sites and mamiliki thousands and even millions of visitors every day. The good news Youtube also allows us to be able to join or participate ads through Google Adsense advertising program, which will be my friends can upload a video and start to monetize video uploaded my friends.

So if my friends are an expert and hobby make a good video and cool would that my friends try to find the money through youtube. Even some of them could generate millions of rupiah each month, until now has been a lot to prove and a lot of success stories of their monetize their videos on Youtube

More and more the need for entertainment and information certainly makes Youtube is becoming increasingly crowded, there were just finding out about the technology and many of them utilize for entertainment and learning and communication. To start making money on youtube my friends are required to have a youtube account. To make the process seem youtube account you are able to own and does not need to be explained. unclear if can ask me via email and so on. Do not be embarrassed to ask ya

Having had a youtube account, my friends could make the channel very easy way ...
Once the channel is completed made the next step of my friends can start to upload videos my friends, the video should be made in a friend's apartment alone and originil means that do not violate the copyright Youtube. Perbanyaklah videos uploaded my friends and increase the popularity of the channel of my friends and multiply the number of video viewers and my friends upload. Look for or create a video that is unique and can attract many visitors because later by the many visitors it will be increasingly multiply income my friends on youtube.

Well after the account is considered youtube my friends are ready to dimonetize, then my friends can sign up for google adsense. Or my friends can direct to:

After my friends have an account with google adsense, my friends can connect these accounts and changing settings youtube video my friends in order to monetize (Refunded)

Well so wrote as short as it was to be able to make money from youtube. Provided that my friends obey the rules and viewer my friends more and more, the success of this program will be better. So I hope that can help my friends all to work may be useful

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